VR Concussion Test

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  • Used to test concussion in a portable and affordable manner.
  • Scientifically Accurate.
  • Including Calibration process for Wii Balance Board.
  • Simple .xml config file.
  • .txt format data output.


As one of the potential application of Virtual Reality technology, VR is expected to be widly used in the field of medicine. In this project, I designed a Unity program to perform balancing tests using Oculus Rift and Wii Fit balance board. The project was aimed to develop a practical system for sports teams(e.i. rugby, football, basketball) to use when their player got an head injury. The system is cheap, reliable and easy to use. It provides helpful advice to the team coach whether to keep the player on the field or call for medical treatment.

The test was to measure the user's balancing skill by showing them a virtual tilting room. The test subject was asked to stand on a Wii balance board so that we can measure his center of gravity by using the pressure sensors on the corners of the balance board. To make the system more affordable, instead of a 2000£ pressure plate, we used a 20£ Wii Fit board, because the reading is still accurate enough for the test. Integrating it into Unity was a real chanllege, because it's a non-regular controller. Nevertheless, I handled it pretty well.

Also I got a change to apply some UX/UI design knowledge I learned from my HCI course. The UI design for VR is pretty different from the normal 2D or even 3D games. There's a lot of unexplored design space in this field. It's really important to get feedbacks from the real user. As the actual user who's going to use my program to perform the experiment, my teammates provided many helpful advice to improve the design. The program now is ready for test and even novice user can handle it by using a external file to change parameter settings. The next step would be to include the kinect for body tracking and to build the program on mobile platform for VR Headset.

To play the demo:

Unity3d Pro is required to build the project. Oculus and Wii Balance Board are Required.

  • Connect the Wii Balance Board to the computer using Bluetooth.
  • Set experiment parameters in the /Assets/Input/Parameters.xml file.
  • Run the program and follow the instructions.
  • Collect data from the /Assets/Output/ folder.

To view the source code:

This project is not open-sourced. Authorization is required to view the source code.

Authors and Contributors

Programmer: Dun Mao Experiment Design: Dr. Sang-Hoon Yeo

Please do not use this work for commercial purposes, thank you.